Current and waitlist members, visit the Member’s Section
Interested in joining the club?
Thank you for your interest in applying for membership in the St. James City Boat Club. As with all interested individuals, we would like to communicate to you the particulars of joining our club;
The application process
If you think our Club would be a good fit for you, you can download a Club membership application form.
Application Fee: $40.00 by check payable to “Saint James City Boat Club”.
This $40.00 fee includes your first year’s dues. Thereafter, once you become a member, annual dues per membership are $20.00, irrespective of whether it is a single member or a couple.
With your submission of your completed application form and $40.00 application fee, you will have reserved a place on the Club’s membership waiting list.
Our waiting list periods range from a few months to approximately two years. While you are on the waiting list you will be invited regularly to attend club meetings, trips, and outings. This is a great way to get to know the Club and its members. Should you decide at any time during your waiting list period not to become a member, your membership application fee will be refunded.
Our Club membership votes at the end of each year on the recommendations of our Membership Committee for admission of applicants to the Club. Those recommendations are based on an applicant’s demonstrated level of interest in Club activities while on the waiting list.
We hope to see you at our weekly Tuesday informal gathering at the Waterfront Restaurant, Happy Hour 4-6PM, and at other club events.
Commodore Judy Burt